1. Princes, pastors, and people :
Author: Susan Doran and Christopher Durston.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Church of England-- History-- 16th century.,Church of England-- History-- 17th century.,Church of England-- History-- 16th century.,Church of England-- 16e siècle.,Church of England-- 17e siècle.,Church of England.,Anglican Communion-- England-- History-- 16th century.,Anglican Communion-- England-- History-- 17th century.,Communion anglicane-- Angleterre-- Histoire-- 16e siècle.,Communion anglicane-- Angleterre-- Histoire-- 17e siècle.,11.55 Protestantism.,15.70 history of Europe.,Angleterre-- Histoire religieuse.,Anglican Communion.,Anglikanische Kirche,Christendom.,Eglise anglicane-- Angleterre-- Histoire.,Religion,England, Church history, 16th century.,England, Church history, 17th century.,Angleterre, Histoire religieuse, 16e siècle.,Angleterre, Histoire religieuse, 17e siècle.,Angleterre (GB), Histoire religieuse, 16e siècle.,Angleterre (GB), Histoire religieuse, 17e siècle.,England,England., 0, 0, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7
Classification :